The Best Boozy Dessert Recipes (2024)

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Valentine's Day is coming up and what could possibly make you temporarily feel better about being single? BOOZE. Here are a couple of the best recipes to show yourself a little love.

Kate Webb

Feb 10, 2015

Texas Tech University


The Best Boozy Dessert Recipes (1)

The Best Boozy Dessert Recipes (2)

1 box strawberry cake mix
1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 1/3 cup moscato (any brand)
1 (16 oz.) container of sugar-free vanilla frosting

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Mix together strawberry cake mix, yogurt, wine, and eggs together in a large bowl for about 3 minutes until nice and smooth. Spoon batter into 24 cupcake liners and bake for 18 to 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

3. Allow cupcakes to cool completely then pipe on vanilla icing. Feel free to mix the icing with a drop or two of red food coloring to create a light pink color. Enjoy!


The Best Boozy Dessert Recipes (3)

1-12 oz. box vanilla wafers, finely crushed
1 cup finely chopped pecans, toasted
1 cup powdered suga
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
2/3 cup cinnamon whiskey
2 1/2 tablespoons light corn syrup
Optional coatings: powdered sugar, crushed vanilla wafers or finely chopped pecans

1. In a large bowl, mix together vanilla wafers, pecans, powdered sugar and cocoa.

2. In a small bowl, mix together cinnamon whiskey and corn syrup until well blended.

3. Gradually stir bourbon mixture into the vanilla wafer mixture. Shape into balls. Roll in your choice of optional coatings. Chill for at least 1 hour.

The Best Boozy Dessert Recipes (4)

3/4 cup butter
3 cups sugar
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 package (12 oz.) white baking chips
1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow creme
4 teaspoons orange extract
4 tablespoons Champagne (any brand)
12 drops yellow food coloring
5 drops red food coloring

1.Line a 13x9 inch pan with parchment paper; set aside.

2.In a large heavy saucepan, combine the sugar, cream and remaining butter. Cook and stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 4 minutes. Place the baking chips & marshmallow creme into a large bowl. Remove the sugar mixture from the heat; stir in to the chips and marshmallow creme until smooth.

3.Remove 1 cup of the mixture and set aside. Add orange extract and Champagne to the remaining mixture; stir until blended. Add in the food colorings & stir until desired orange color is reached. Pour into prepared pan. Drop the reserved 1 cup of marshmallow mixture by tablespoonfuls over the top; cut through with a knife to swirl. Cover and refrigerate until set. Cut into squares.

**These recipes are not to encourage underage drinking or alcohol abuse. Intended only for 21 and up.

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The Best Boozy Dessert Recipes (2024)


What dessert goes good with alcohol? ›

  • Old Fashioned with Dark Chocolate Tart. Whisky and chocolate are a match made in heaven! ...
  • Margarita with Coconut Cupcakes. This is a tropical delight that's waiting to be devoured! ...
  • Mojito and Key Lime Pie. ...
  • Espresso Martini and Tiramisu. ...
  • Whisky Smash with Caramel Cheesecake.

What is the most delicious dessert in the world? ›

Here are the top 15 desserts in the world to indulge in as you cross the globe.
  • Pavlova, Australia and New Zealand. ...
  • Qatayef, Middle East. ...
  • 10. Japanese cheesecake, Japan. ...
  • Tiramisù, Italy. ...
  • Polvorones, Mexico and Central America. ...
  • Nanaimo bars, Canada. ...
  • Knafeh, Levant. ...
  • Sticky toffee pudding, United Kingdom.

Do desserts contain alcohol? ›

The only way you could get drunk from a dessert is if the alcohol was added after the cooking process, eg; soaking the sponge in rum etc. This isn't really true. It cooks off some of the alcohol but not all - and maybe not even most. But the amount of alcohol per person in a dessert is usually tiny to start.

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For example, rum and bourbon give off nutty and vanilla tasting notes that work well with pie filling, cake mix and cookie dough (much like a vanilla extract). Red wine, port and brandy, on the other hand, add a sweetness that pairs nicely with glazes, chocolate cake and gingerbread.

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We've picked the most notably sweet whiskies from our single malt Scotch selection, for the whisky drinker with a penchant for dessert.
  • Glenmorangie 14 Year Old Quinta Ruban. ...
  • The Dalmore 12 Year Old. ...
  • Glenfiddich Orchard Experimental Series. ...
  • Tomatin 14 Year Old. ...
  • Balvenie 14 Year Old Caribbean Cask.
Sep 12, 2023

What not to eat with liquor? ›

Dairy foods such as cheese, milk, ice cream, dessert, butter, and yogurt should be avoided when drinking alcohol as well as before and after. They will only make your health worse. Alcohol and dairy products taken together in the stomach might result in infection, stomach pain, and even constipation.

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And Zillionaire may be our finest work yet. The surprise of bronzed sugar. Followed by smooth, rich double chocolate ganache. Then sumptuous treacle cheesecake, floating on a buttery salted caramel, draped over a cocoa biscuit base.

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Foods To Avoid

There are several desserts that use alcohol. For example, bananas foster, tiramisu, and cherries jubilee. Some glazes on desserts, as well as chocolate, might have liqueur.

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Baileys contains alcohol, and anything that contains alcohol can get you drunk. Baileys is 17% abv - which makes it stronger than even quite strong wines.

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As the name suggests, dessert wines are typically enjoyed after a meal as dessert. In the UK, they are sometimes referred to as pudding wines. Many countries have their own unique versions of dessert wines, including Port from Portugal, Sherry from Spain, and Ice Wine from Canada, just to name a few.

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Amaretto. Depending on the brand, Amaretto can be made from apricot pits, almonds, or both. Although it can be used to make tasty co*cktails such as the famous Amaretto Sour, it can also be used to add a rich almond flavor to baked goods. Or, use it to sweeten an espresso and ice cream dessert called affogato.

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Other liquors like Grand Marnier or allspice dram might work better here, but make sure to use a small amount when adding it to your batter—substituting no more than a quarter of the water or milk called for on the box with the liquor—so as to not create an overpowering flavor.

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Most recipes use Marsala wine in tiramisu, however, I have always loved Kahlua since it pairs so well with the espresso that's already in the recipe. Use any of these or your favorite liquor: Marsala wine. Rum (dark rum would be best!)

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Bananas and other fruits

Fruits are extremely healthy & they contain high amounts of water which will dilute the alcohol. Apples help reduce the inflammation of the intestine, which is caused by the drinking alcohol.

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Alcohol - 10 Healthy Foods that You Can Eat With It!
  • Oats: Cooked food is easy to digest with alcohol, so a pot of cooked oatmeal can be a healthy accompaniment. ...
  • Salad: Salad is refreshing and healthy at the same time. ...
  • Milk cereal: Cereal, especially whole grain cooked with low-fat milk, is healthy.
Feb 24, 2023

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20 Iconic Food & Drink Pairings For A Night Out
  • Red wine with cured meats.
  • Gin co*cktail with a cheese platter.
  • White wine and prawns.
  • Beer and crumbed chicken.
  • Port and cheesecake.
  • Margarita co*cktail and tacos.
  • Martini and oysters.
  • White wine and sushi.
Mar 16, 2021

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Complex carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and rice. These can help slow down the absorption of alcohol and reduce the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Foods that are high in water content such as fruits and vegetables. These can help you stay hydrated and minimize the effects of dehydration caused by alcohol.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.